How Recurate Unlocks ReCommerce

Provides the perfect solution for the resale marketplace covering the E-Commerce P2P model.

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Recurate’s Path to Unlocking the Recommerce Industry

Recurate is reshaping the fashion industry by pioneering a resale operating system that enables brands to manage their own second-hand markets directly on their e-commerce platforms. 

This approach not only supports sustainability but also integrates seamlessly into brands' omnichannel strategies, offering a comprehensive solution through peer-to-peer reselling, trade-ins, and other innovative resale models.

United States

Complexities in Achieving Fashion’s Resale Goals

  • Integration Across Multiple Platforms: Recurate required a uniform resale solution compatible with diverse e-commerce platforms like Shopify, Magento, Bigcommerce, and Salesforce, each with unique specifications. Devsinc engineered a flexible architecture that could support multiple platforms while maintaining consistent business logic.
  • Enhanced Security and Performance: Addressing potential data security risks and performance issues was critical. Devsinc implemented data sharding with PostgreSQL to create isolated clusters for each store, improving data management and query performance, while ensuring robust security measures were in place to prevent data breaches.
  • Advanced Image Management: The initial challenge of supporting a diverse range of browsers and devices with jQuery-uploader was met by transitioning to a more robust, custom-developed solution using HTML, Vanilla JavaScript, and serverless technologies on AWS Lambda, paired with image processing libraries like Sharp and Jimp.

How Devsinc supports Recurate?

  • Customizable Platform Wrappers: Each e-commerce platform wrapper was crafted to define rules, manage webhooks, and map fields, allowing for tailored business operations and enhancing platform-specific performance.
  • Headless Frontend API: Devsinc developed a headless API that returned HTML markup responsive to CDN-hosted styles and scripts, facilitating a unified front-end experience across different platforms.

Results Achieved by Recurate

Streamlined Operations Across Platforms

By deploying a uniform solution adaptable to various e-commerce platforms, Devsinc enabled Recurate to manage its resale operations more efficiently. This integration has significantly streamlined operational processes, reducing overhead and enhancing user experience across the board.

Robust Security Enhancements

The security solutions implemented by Devsinc, such as data sharding and secure clusters, not only safeguarded sensitive customer data but also optimized performance, ensuring that Recurate’s operations were both secure and efficient. This has built trust among users and strengthened Recurate's market position.

Advanced Resale Capabilities

With the advanced image management and customized platform wrappers developed by Devsinc, Recurate was able to offer a more responsive and visually appealing user interface. This improvement has enhanced the overall customer journey, increasing user engagement and retention.

Enhanced Revenue

The technical solutions provided by Devsinc not only solved their challenges but also created new opportunities for revenue by allowing Recurate to attract a broader user base, increase sales, and maintain a competitive edge in the resale market.

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How Recurate Unlocks ReCommerce

Provides the perfect solution for the resale marketplace covering the E-Commerce P2P model.

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